Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Annie G. Unit #1

As she is so fondly known by my phone as... I got my phone when I was a Senior in high school (2 whole years ago now!) and of course she could just not be Annie Gardner in my phone, way to original! Anyway, today is my friend Annie's 20th birthday and I could be super cliche and say 20 reasons why I love Annie...but I think she would be embarrassed by that and then would feel awkward talking to me. So instead I will just stick to really great pictures and maybe just a few reasons why I think she is so great and a quick run down of our friendship! As I was looking through pictures that Annie and I have together, trying to decide which ones to post, I have come to realize how pretty she is and how not pretty I am... that's unfortunate! So, I am not going to post them! hahaAnnie and I 'met' in 6th grade when she was in Ms. Myers class with Kayla Lucky and Anna McGhie. We never really hung out then, because people in Ms. Myers class kind of only hung out with their own, but we knew each other. ;) Next came Cedar Middle School, 7th grade. We would sit at the same circular lunch table because of our mutual friends, and I think one time we hung out oustide of school actually. That was a big day! To make a long story short, in 8th grade Kayla and Anna did not really hang out with us a whole lot, but Annie realized how cool I was, and stuck around! right. Come the end of 8th grade, it was time to go to different high schools; Annie to be a Canyon View Falcon and me to be a Cedar High Redman! We were all going to take a friend picture during the last week on school, and Annie did not show up! She went to Arctic Circle instead of being in our group photo as friends before we separated and went to different high schools and never spoke to each other again...OK so that last part was a little dramatic. But it was a rough day none the less, and I was super depressed. After our school split, Annie and I would spend way to many hours on the phone with each other! My parents were always telling me to get off the phone at the 15 minute mark, and I was incredibly jealous because Annie's parents did not even care how long she was on the phone! We hung out periodically and I would always go support her during her basketball games! Never cheering for Canyon View, just for her individually! We would frequently email back and forth, I think mostly out of boredom, but they made for some super funny emails back and forth. We would get together radomly to make bread purses, and I would bring her baked goods. Sometimes she was too good for me and could only hang out with her basketball friends, I wished everyday to be as cool as them! Well it has now been 8 years since I met Annie and what do you know? We are still friends! I love going to Cedar and being able to visit and hang out with her despite all of the other things she could be doing and the other people she could be hanging out with! She always makes my laugh hysterically and I just love being with her!! Love you Annie! ;)



Hooray!! I <3 Annie too!!!!! I hope your birthday is incredible!!

Annie G

Oh my heck Kendra...that is so nice! I think I might have teared up just a tiny bit. There are a few mistakes in the history of our friendship however haha you know, the parts you are making up? But you are just the nicest person I know...seriously. Thanks Kendra!

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