Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Used to be the One...

You used to be the One...
The one who knew me very best. The one who could start any line and have me finish the rest.

You used to be the One...
The one who wanted to cuddle with me in bed. The one who, every night with you, scriptures were (at least thought about being) read.

You used to be the One...
The one who made my hair look real nice. The one who was more worried about my looks than I, even though it required much sacrifice.

You used to be the
The one who talked in such AMAZING accents. The one who would laugh at my jokes without any real sense of torment.

You used to be the One...
The one who made me laugh until I cried. The one who lost control of her body, and dropped to the floor as if she had died.

You used to be the One...
The one who was always falling asleep in the middle of your story. The one who constantly brought up leg wrestling to people and got me lots of glory.

You used to be the One...
The one who had the Wancake night mastered. The one who planned and carried out killer ward activities... though no one left plastered!

You used to be the One...
The one who would clean our bathroom until it shone. The one who dropped the lid in the toilet tank, how? It is still unknown.

You used to be the One...
The one who always was up for the adventure-track. The one who, between the two of us, caught a man riding 'bareback.' :)

You used to be the One...
The one who would not miss a family gathering for anything. The one who always volunteered to cart us around, and how I love it when you sing!

You used to be the One...
The one who entertained me daily. The one who I never see around anymore...lucky for me, I got Cailey!

You STILL ARE the One...
That will be my cousin and best friend for forever. The one who taught me that change, although extremely hard, is such a worthy endeavor.

You STILL ARE the One...
That I wish I could see every day. The one who absolutely adores Nate Rutter, in every sense and in every way.

You STILL ARE the One...
Who taught me things about this Gospel. About relying and trusting in the Lord more, to forget things and not be so hostile.

You will forever be the one that I think of and feel so happy. The one who has stayed with me through everything, even when our lives were sometimes crappy!

Life is all about adjustments and making ourselves better, You Cali Haynie Rutter, are one of those ultimate goal getters!

Monday, January 11, 2010

18 credits, 7 classes, 20 hours of CLASS TIME per week...

See you in 4 months! :)

Here I come teacher-ism.
I hope that I make it through this alive...and still keep my social life!
Being a teacher is worth it, I just know it!