Monday, August 29, 2011

Hey Everybody!!

I know what you are all thinking..."It has been a REALLY long time since Kendra has blogged. Either her life has been too boring to even mention... or it has been too ridiculously exciting to even stop for a moment and talk about." ...Well ladies and gents --- neither. I think it just boils down to laziness, which is alarming seeing as how I actually do work at a computer for eight hours a day. Well DID work at a computer is actually more accurate.

That is right friends, today I started my student teaching. For the next 8 weeks, I will officially be a teacher at Wasatch Elementary School (a six minute walk from my house...tender mercy!) and I will be teaching (drum roll please...) SIXTH GRADE!!!! Yes, I was in sixth grade earlier and was terrified beyond everything and then had the greatest experience of my life! I am please blessing that since I will be teaching in September and October I should still be smart enough to teach them math, should being the key word there. :)

Our mascot is Satch...he is a dog. And is supposed to remind us of...something that I don't remember. Hopefully no one quizzes me on that. School starts at 8:40 everyday. Meaning I have to be there at 8, but since it is just around the corner and NOT in Riverton, I do not even have to wake up that early. I am super happy about that fact! I have taught dance at Wasatch before, as well as did an after school program there my whole freshmen year and just met some of the greatest students.

To say I am nervous is an understatement. Teaching solo is a trite bit nerve wracking, but I can do it and am excited. I can not wait to just be with students again. I realize when I don't do it for a long time that it really is my passion and I am so glad to be going back to it.

Before you go and get all sad about how infrequent I blog when I teach...which was never in my two four week practicums...I have a goal to post at least every other week. Mostly because you know how I hate when there is a month missing from the archive section to the right, and 4 months (the 2nd 8 weeks will be in a preschool or kindergarten) is just WAY too long for you guys to not have anything to stalk me from. 

In other news, my little bro Parker received the Aaronic Priesthood last week, so practically my whole family was here and I loved it! (We missed you immensely T!)

How adorable are my parents matching and such?! I love this photo.
Note Bryson's red shirt under his white one...he had already changed out of his Church clothes. We had been home like five minutes.

Signed Jimmer poster...Parker almost cried from joy. :)

Saryn and I went to Trafalga with some of our most dear and attractive friends. I was not as good at mini golf as I had been the last two times I was a humbling experience.

Also, one of my best friends, Lauren, is getting married next week and I went up to Logan this last weekend with Mar to go to her bridal shower. I love my friends A LOT. And I got to wear that cool bandana and be a bandit all night! :)

There will be more posts. Don't you guys fret. I have SO much more to talk about. Friends leaving me for random states, new callings, life lessons learned and lots more. Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cougar United...

The Official Student Fan Association of BYU Athletics. 

What part of that title would not have every person just jumping at the opportunity to be a part of it? I don't know either.

For those of you who don't know, the last 12 months and even longer if you are counting my time as a committee and regular member, CU has been a huge and sometimes even the ONLY, part of my life. From high spirited FOL pep rallies, to pre game tailgates, CU has accomplished a wide range of targets. We have tried time after time to incorporate the entire student body with activities such as:
  • the outdoor movie on Miller Field
  • the Homecoming noon day with our killer blue and white balloon arch (that BYUSA seriously coveted!) complete with pizza, cookies, doughnuts, basketball and football throw etc.
  • giving out free t shirts ALL the time. 
  • the give-a-ways at all sporting events. Wii's, LoveSacs, big screen TV's...just to name a few. 
  • Our rockin dance parties and practically unlimited pizza. ;) 
  • The free Soccer, Rugby and Lacrosse games... are you getting my point yet?! 

Cougar United; the most selfess organization on campus by far! It did not cost any money to join, we just wanted members to be able to know about and support Cougar Athletics.

Homecoming noon day activity. Balloon Arch not pictured...but Star is sure working that table! :)
Tailgates with my roommates

6:30 am BYU vs. Utah student rallies. Featured on ABC4 News and KSL. Muffins and beverages brought to you by CU!

As president this last year I had so many amazing opportunities to meet, talk with, conference with and be around so many incredible people. From my UAAC meetings with Tom and the crew, to meeting with the UCC, the other student leaders around campus and just meeting with my own committee. I have made some of my closest friends through being a part of this organization and I am grateful for that.

I get more than a little into my role of being in charge of the FOL Pep Rally...I love it and I LOVE the freshman's enthusiasm! Let's get pumped!
Don't you think this belongs in a BYU Athletics magazine or something?! Me too.
Just hangin' out on the field with my favorite girls... NBD.

Many of you are probably wondering why I am taking time right now, the beginning of August 2011 to write about this. Well, in March of this year (it took me a while to be able to face my feelings... ;) our faculty adviser told Star (my trusty right hand woman and main VP) and I that he wanted to disband Cougar United. Get rid of it, dissolve us, pretend like we never existed... ok, that last one was a little dramatic. It was kind of rough. He never really cared about us or supported us the way we needed to be supported by Athletics in order for us to reach our full potential. Mostly, we were rather disheartened. Here we had been, giving it our all for the last year to really make us successful. This was a project started by dedicated fans before us and had been passed on to us in hopes to make it big... we tried and I feel like we succeeded. It was one of the best years of my life.

My committee rocked my world. All willing to work and get things done for the name of the club. I like them!

These are my V.P.'s. I adore everything about them. They seriously make my life and all of us together...well we are just SUPER cool. :) With a very estrogen run committee...we were able to really get things done and come up with creative and innovative ideas. They are just the bomb and I love them all!

How sweet are the jackets that we ordered for the entire executive board?! So sweet.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to be involved with this organization. Based off of my obsession with athletics, I can not think of a better way to have spent a large majority of my time my senior year of college. It was a lot of work, and next to my work school load it was often overwhelming. But I loved it. Every second.

Heres to CU....the best and most giving organization on BYU Campus!

These are my game day shoes... you can covet them if you want! :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just a Few New Things

Because you were all sad that it has been so long since you last heard from me right?

 I figured as much and even though I am at work ALL day, for EIGHT hours, just STARING at a computer...for some reason I just have not blogged.

So here I am, just letting you know about the new big things in my life!

Number 1 (let's go smallest to biggest shall we?)

This adorable pillow from my best friend, Mara. She is beyond creative and since she has been sick at home for a few months, has been given WAY too many hours to work on her domesticity. Lucky. This was my birthday present and don't you just love that burlap flower? Me too. I wish it was me that made time. Whose birthday is next? Want one of these?

Number 2:
I FINALLY got myself a book shelf!..and it is a really cute one at that! See that basket on the top? Yeah, I used to think that all my books I would own would fit in that. Good one Kendra.

If you look real close, you will see the Magic Tree House Series 1-30, Flat Stanley (I just got his newest adventure, African Safari!), Chronicles of Narnia, the Percy Jackson complete series AND numerous other extremely enjoyable picture and chapter books. Haven't had the opportunity to read all these? You can borrow them from me if you would like!
One of my most favorite book purchases, The Napping House in BIG BOOK format! Happiest day of my life. It was 75% off. Curse Bri for telling me about the Sidewalk Sale at the Bookstore.

Number 3:

Our apartment was given, by our oh-so-gracious landlord aka my father, this super duper cute couch that just really matches so well with the rest of our apt...yes, that is a sheet covering up the ugly brown color it normally is, and your are right, there are no armrests. One of my dad's biggest pet peeves is when people sit on the arm of the chair, so what better way to eliminate that then to give us a couch with no armrests?! I always did consider him to be rather brilliant. I love the constant Christmas theme that is in our apt due to our bright green carpet, red kitchen, and now this red couch covering. We are SUPER spirited.

and last, but certainly not least... after four looong years in the college scene, trying to get by without one, and always having to rely on the ones my roommates had (no, I am not talking about a that what you were thinking? Rude.) I finally broke down and bought....(drum roll please).... THIS little gem

 A 1994 Honda Accord. Jealous? You should be. Paid cash for this little thing. Runs wonderfully, a manual, automatic doors and locks...most of the time, brand new paint job AND even has an aux place so I can listen to my i pod. I am living large these days folks! With starting my student teaching in a few weeks, I felt like it was just too risky to have to walk to school every morning...especially if it is further than 10 the snow, up hill both ways. Call me crazy!

She (it is a girl as she is a little baby blue-ish) still needs a name, so I am accepting all sorts of ideas and suggestions! Let me know. If I pick yours you will be the winner, and I will give you some sort of ridiculously delicious treat that I will hand bake. Thanks!

Really, this post was just one to keep people happy until I stop procrastinating the real stuff! Until next time...